Call for papers

Software Engineering aims at modelling, measuring, enhancing, and implementing quality software development processes and products in a rigorous way by means of requirements elicitation and analysis, system design and development, testing, and maintenance. Fast evolution of software tools, methods, and techniques as well as market demand require software engineers to be prompt in evaluating the performance, the quality and the suitability of software products and processes. This is particularly important for software for defense applications that needs to maintain high levels of security and robustness. Such software very often anticipates the needs in the civil environment.

There is a growing need for research that report and debate practical implications of Software Engineering in the defense environment. There is a need of software performance evaluation in the real settings through controlled experiments as well as case and field studies. As well, there is a growing interest in meeting the strict constraints imposed by the spending review process.

For this reason, we welcome original contributions on new Software Engineering models, approaches, methods, and tools and their evaluation as well as business and economic aspects of IT in the context of defense applications. In particular, we welcome submissions on cost/benefit analysis, new business models, organizational evolution, and business intelligence systems and their evaluation in the context of defense organizations, processes, and systems.


We accept the following types of contributions:

  • Full Papers (max 10 pages) (English only)
  • Position papers (max 4 pages) (Italian or English)
  • Posters (max 2 pages) (English only)
  • Talk only (Slides in English, max 15 minutes)

Accepted Full Papers, Position Papers, and talk will be scheduled for presentation in the conference sessions, while Posters will be displayed during the lunches and coffee breaks. Submissions must be in English (or Italian for short papers), original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Software Engineering for Defense Applications
  • Agile and Evolutionary Processes for Defense
  • SCRUM and XP in Military Environments
  • DevOps approaches in Military Environments
  • Tools to support the requirements of Defense
  • Empirical Studies in Defense
  • Economics of IT in the Military Sector
  • Innovation Theories, Models and Practices
  • Information and Knowledge Management
  • Software and System Quality and Metrics and their Impact in the Military sector
  • Software Applications Security, secure coding, cyber threat evolution, ecc.
  • Big data and future implications for Smart Applications.
  • Information Systems, Innovation Transfer, and new Business Models
  • Business Intelligence Systems and their strategic role in the Military Sector
  • Data Mining Systems and Methodologies
  • Experience Reports





Accepted contributions will be published by Springer (only if in English).

Therefore, your paper have to conform to the Springer format ( 0)

Please submit your paper in PDF via EasyChair:


The conference will be held in Rome, Italy on 7-8 June 2018